Two brothers find themselves on opposite sides of a succession crisis in this visceral African Fantasy. Amidst a chaotic, tribal world of spears, shields, and magic, one brother will begin a bloody quest for vengeance while the other seeks to overthrow a slaver king. Lord of Vipers is an action-packed fantasy adventure with meaty character drama set in a world inspired by precolonial African Culture.
A new series from the writer of the Sci-Fi Urban Fantasy Drama Coordinated Universal Time Travel.
Book one will release in 2025 Q2 and be titled: Lord of Vipers: The Promised One
Extra Details
I’ve just finished the first draft of book one and I have a functional outline for the entire series. I’m going to work through revisions to both book one and the series outline before publishing book one. I should be ready to publish Book One within one year. If I finish before then, I’ll move the release date up. The Amazon pre-order page will be up by the end of Q3.