• New African Fantasy Series – Lord of Vipers

    It’s time announce my next writing project: Lord of Vipers

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  • I’ve Been Quiet for a While (A Few Plans for 2024)

    I haven’t posted anything to my blog in months, but I’ve been working beneath the surface and behind the scenes. I’m still working on new music and new stories. I’m still promoting CUTT, but as I approach its one-year anniversary, I’ll draft up a postmortem. I’ve learned a lot by just getting the book finished…

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  • Paperback Release – CUTT on Amazon

    I’ve just released the Paperback edition of Coordinated Universal Time Travel on Amazon. 657 pages total, glossy cover, 6″ x 9″. Priced at $19.99. The content is the same as the latest updates to the eBook. On the off chance you come across a typo, please email me at support+typos(AT SIGN)nondiurnal.com and let me know…

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  • Novel Release – Coordinated Universal Time Travel (CUTT)

    Novel Release – Coordinated Universal Time Travel (CUTT)

    My debut novel, Coordinated Universal Time Travel, is officially available on Amazon Kindle. It will also be available on Kindle Unlimited for at least 90 days. A man tries to solve a woman’s murder while reliving a high school friend’s wedding reception. I’ve answered most frequently asked questions on this Page. If you’d rather just…

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  • Coordinated Universal Time Travel – Status Update

    My first novel, Coordinated Universal Time Travel (CUTT), will launch in early July. In the coming weeks, I will update imagery and share the product page. For now, the best way to stay in the loop is to follow my Author Page on Amazon. Unlike the Kindle Vella Proof-of-concept serialization, CUTT will release internationally as…

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  • New Single – Statue Delirium

    New Single – Statue Delirium

    The latest single, Statue Delirium, from my upcoming album has just released. As usual, it’s on all major streaming sites and the album art video is live on YouTube. Statue Delirium sits in the settles into the same vein as Another Undone Consequence, though it’s about the awe of colossal destruction. The song’s inherent cacophony…

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  • Update on 2023 Goals – #1 – Website Overhaul

    I’ve been making behind the scenes improvements to nondiurnal.com. Not all of them are done, but I’m trying to make good on some of the promises in my 2023 goals post. Website Performance My old web hosting was absolutely terrible, so I went ahead and switched with 6 months left on the contract. I’ve also…

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  • New Single – Another Undone Consequence

    New Single – Another Undone Consequence

    I’ve officially released a new single, Another Undone Consequence. It’s now available on all major streaming sites and the album art video has been posted on YouTube. Another Undone Consequence is sinister with a touch of childlike glee. It’s the theme song for a desperately evil man who hasn’t realized that he’s the villain yet.…

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